Why we need snubber in flyback inverter ?

3:37 AM

Flyback inverter has primary switch connected in series with the transformer winding. A snubber circuit is required to damp the high voltage spike that occur as a result of resonance that occur because of the transformer leakage inductance and the mosfet capacitance. Without a snubber circuit the mosfet on primary side can burn out.
An RCD snubber is commonly used in flyback configurations and consist of a diode, capacitor and resistor. In this configuration ,the diode must be able to operate at the same frequency as the switching frequency. It is because the leakage inductance will create resonance during the turn off time.Therefore, if the diode in RCD snubber is not able to switch at switching frequency it will not work and hence cannot protect the mosfet. C should be greater than or equal to the thrice of the Coss of the mosfet. While R = V/I where V is the max voltage the switch can handle.
Figure 1 below shows the effect of snubber on the switching pattern of a mosfet. It is pertinent to mention that the below mentioned waveform are recorded under different input conditions.

 Without RCD snubber (Click to zoom)
With snubber (Click to zoom)

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  1. Hi there,
    I am wondering how this formula to be true (R = V*I), did you mean R = V/I?

    1. Bundle of thanks for correction. It was a mistake. Corrected now !!

    2. Sher,
      Not a problem at all. I really love your hand writing (your notes) but some of them were unclear :). Also,I enjoy the way you present the problem and then how you address them.
      I am asking for your permission to download your notes and some the good material you provided here?


  2. Sher,

    I really love your hand writing (your notes) but some of them were unclear :). Also,I enjoy the way you present the problem and then how you address them.
    I am asking for your permission to download your notes and some the good material you provided here?


    1. You can download and use them as long as they are for academic use only with proper credit given to this blog.


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