How to plot I-V and P-V curve in simulink under all weather condition ?

3:47 AM

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  1. Hello Brother,
    I am creating a model for a PV array(6x3) using Simulink but when I use Variable resistance as a load, it works ok but when I create shading it gave me negative voltage alternatively I used controlled voltage source so, I get rid the negative voltage, My question is: Am I right? I can share my model with you on private email if you are willing to help me.

    1. HI,
      I need more information in this regard. Where u probe for the negative voltages ? One way to check if your model is working fine is to use PSIM. Upload the model parameters in PSIM and get some base values of partial shading. Then compare it with what you get from your model in simulink. Try it first and if you still do not get the results let me know.
      Hadeed Sher

    2. I only have Matlab/Simulink because I am Mac user. Basically, what I have is 6 modules and 3 branches. Each module has 36 cells connected in series and 6 modules connected in series and the 3 branches are connected in Parallel to form the array. for each cell Isc=7.34 A, Voc=0.6 V, Rp= 200 Ohm, Rs=0, so, when I created a fault on each all three branches, then I got -ve voltages. Also, I got -ve voltage value when I have a fault on one branch.
      Do you mind to share my Simulink model to see what I did wrong?

    3. So what is the nature of fault ? Is the output curve good when provided uniform environmental conditions ?

  2. I created open circuit fault and shading fault. Yes, Output IV curve under uniform environmental conditions is good

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I think there is some issue with your PV model. Please send me the model at

    3. The model has been sent to your email.

    4. please send me the model at please i'm waiting

  4. The PV module is readily available in MATLAB 2013a?

  5. The PV module is readily available in MATLAB 2013a?

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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