First order RC circuit simulation in Orcad
2:36 AM
We can perform the simulation in following steps.
1. Design the circuit.
2. Choose the switch from Analog_Misc>Swt_close/open.
3. Choose from the Special>PARAM and place it with the layout.
4. Right click on the resistance and add the value as {OHM}.
5. Double click on the parameter and add new property and name it OHM and value 1. This is the initial value.
6. Click on PSPICE > Edit simualtion Profile > Paramteric sweep > Global parameter (parameter name Ohm) Then add the initial final and increment value.
7. Simulate the circuit.
8. You can double click on the legend near the bottom left to see the value of the parameter swept in the analysis
1. Design the circuit.
2. Choose the switch from Analog_Misc>Swt_close/open.
3. Choose from the Special>PARAM and place it with the layout.
4. Right click on the resistance and add the value as {OHM}.
5. Double click on the parameter and add new property and name it OHM and value 1. This is the initial value.
6. Click on PSPICE > Edit simualtion Profile > Paramteric sweep > Global parameter (parameter name Ohm) Then add the initial final and increment value.
7. Simulate the circuit.
8. You can double click on the legend near the bottom left to see the value of the parameter swept in the analysis