Electricity and magnetism | Interesting points from Walter Lewin lecture.

8:30 PM

Electricity and magnetism is a classical field in the modern world. In this interesting lecture, Dr. Walter Lewin explained the very basics of electricity and magnetism in his unique style. I chalked out some interesting points and decided to log those in this post.

  • Electrons are so small that if 6B are lined up together it only makes 60 cm.
  • In 600BC it was known that if amber is rubbed it attracts dry leaves. Amber in greek is called electron. Thats the reason electricity was named for.
  • In 18th century two types of electricity was discovered. One if you rub glass and the other if rubber/amber is rubbed.
  • Berjamin Franklin presented the idea of positive and negative charges. Stating the like charges repel each other and opposite charges attract.
  • If a glass tube is rubbed and then taken near the conductor, the electrons present in the conductor will move towrads the direction of glass. This is called indudction or polarization.
  • Even in non conducting elements the polariation or induction happens. 
  • Friction charges the surface and hence creates electricity.
  • 1 columb charge is an enormous quantity.
  • Electric force is 365 times stronger than the  gravitational force.

Full lecture

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