
Experimental work | Circuit for 6N136-6N137 optocoupler

Connect the input signal between pins 2 and 3. Use a sutiable resistor for current limiting. I used a 58 ohm resistor in series with pin 2. Connect Pin 8 with Vcc and Pin 5 with ground.  Connect a 0.1uf polar capacitor between pin 8 and 5.  Connect a load resistor between pin 8 and pin 6. I used 2.6kohm Connect a 15...

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Experimental work | Troubleshooting an IC

It happens many times, while performing an experiment the IC output is not correct. So how to troubleshoot a problem. In my experience i perform the following steps while hunting for the troubled area of my circuit layout. Consider the case of optocoupler 6N137. Somehow the output was a continuous straight line at biasing voltage level when given a 100kHz signal. Here is...

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History of solar PV

Three Generations of Solar Cells

A Solar Cell is a Solar Device that receives sunlight and converts it into electricity. Simple in its constitution., it was in the 50s developed at Bell Labs, and the first Solar Cell came out with an astonishing efficiency of 6%. At that time people anticipated to harness this energy as a source where they sought Solar homes. However, it could not be...

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History of solar PV

Challenges of Solar Electric Energy

Solar energy is available to us in three forms: Solar Fuel, Solar Electric, Solar Thermal. Photovoltaics, or Solar Electric, were described very early and Albert Einstein actually for the Nobel Prize in 1921 for a detailed explanation of the Photoelectric effect that Hertz observed in 1887. The Photovoltaic effect as we know it where, potential develops when we shine light on an object,...

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Co simulation

Simulation problems and their solution - III

Problem While doing co simulation the results on simview stopped showing. Solution: Go to PSIM and double click on simulation control circle. You can also access the simulation control by clicking on simulate > simulation control. Un-check the free run box. ...

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Copyright © 2015-2017 by Hadeed A Sher

All rights reserved. No part of this blog may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without my prior written permission. For permission requests, write to the blog author addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the contact form.


This blog is about my PhD work and an archive to my engineering education. However, additional study material for the courses i teach and that i have studied is also archived here.
All the circuits in this blog are tested by myself under specific conditions. BE CAREFUL if you are experimenting them, the blogger and this blog are not responsible to any harm and or damage to yourself and your equipment.

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